The Road to Alpha, Week 26 - Commute & Competition
A slightly confused update.
What I did
Implemented commuters and shoppers from other cities
- They are "fake" citizens that "live" at the connection point to the other city, giving them the full intelligent behaviour regular citizens have
- Only the actually commuting or shopping neighboring citizens have to be simulated, the rest of the neighboring city can be simulated more abstractly
Made neighboring cities evolve and react to economic demands
- Neighboring cities now grow according to regional demands and try to fix their own deficits
- However, they do so very slowly, giving the player the opportunity to make use of temporary demand spikes for growth of their own city
Added a competition factor
- Even after demand is perfectly satisfied, this will attract additional businesses and workers to compete for a specific percentage of all resources/job offers.
What I will probably do next
- Continue balancing the economy
- Work on multilane traffic again