The Road to Alpha, Week 7 - First Signs of Gameplay Detected
I'm getting better at this! Today it only took me until 2:30 AM to get the update done and recorded ;)
(best viewed in HD)
What I did
Decided that Citybound will have both statistical and agent-based simulation
Started with the statistical simulation for planning and demand modeling:
Created a Resource Management System
- Manges resources (duh) for the whole city & individual businesses/households
- Calculates resource demands
Implemented City Dynamics
- Immigration based on Resource Demands
Created a Construction Planner
- Creates buildings if needed
- Distributes households and businesses over existing buildings
Created a Building Type System
- Allows for all kinds of household & business combinations in one building
Added global Simulation Parameters
- Influence the gameplay heavily
- Easy to tweak
- I spent a lot of time finding an initial balance for them
What I will probably do next
- Connect the statistical model to the traffic simulation
- This will result in the agent-based part of the simulation
Until next week!