The Road to Alpha, Week 3 - A Fresh Canvas
This week I got some UI work done:
(Best viewed in HD)
What I did
Added tilt controls for the camera (birds-eye <-> flat view)
Added main menu with icons for categories and actions
- so far, only "Add Road" and the zoning works
- most of the icons are from a free-to-use icon set, some I had to do myself
Added zoning UI
- You paint zones like color with a brush.
- I went for a blueprint-style hatched rendering
- Feels very painterly and intuitive, but requires some dexterity.This could be improved by aligning brush strokes to streets automatically, for example.
- Gives the player detailed control:You can designate backyards, leave space for future road expansion and much more...
- Currently existing zones:Agriculture, Residential, Residential & Commercial Mixed, Commercial, Industrial
- Colors have been chosen with the colorblind in mind:
Regular vision:
Protanopia a.k.a. red-green-blindness (simulated)
Notice how you can still mostly discern different zones, both on the map and in the world. Maybe I will make it even easier by using different hatching styles.
Building density/height will be a separate tool(see rightmost icon in the zones submenu)
- I still have to come up with a good way to visualize that in the world
What I will probably hopefully do next
Next week will be busy, but I hope to get at least started with:
- Building generation according to zones
- Moving in of citizens, businesses and industry
- The first parts of the Needs & Resources framework (see last blog post)
See you then!