10/31 Special Announcement
What happened
Michael joined the Citybound "team" as the second programmer
he discovered Citybound on Reddit, was an active participant in the livestreams and just started contributing some code for savegames, which I really liked
after some more collaboration on the savegame code I decided to offer him to work together more closely
now he is working on some geometry code that will greatly improve zoning, as well as lot and building generation (allowing for complex-shaped wall-to wall street blocks)
he also started reviewing the whole source code of Citybound so far, giving advice on architecture
we are now trying to get a common vision of what the game is going to be like (suddenly I need to communicate :)
- he started to create a detailed mindmap of all areas of the game based on my vision, adding ideas of his own as well as ideas from the communities
- I started a list of features that constitute a minimum for the alpha version, including rough estimation of completion (I will make this more public soon)
I am now working on a reimplementation of the roads and lanes system and user interface
- implementing new traffic behaviour became too tedious due to a couple of wrong initial design decisions
- it will take a little time, but it already looks much cleaner, so adding new features will be easier