A Promising 2016
- got married
- moved to Germany
- started working again
- Michael quit the project
- decided to modularize & open-source parts of Citybound
- implemented some very complex geometry stuff (straight skeletons & error-tolerant geometry)
- came up with models for individual citizen's everyday life + economic micro-interactions
- started implementing manual memory management for JS, making savegames, multithreading & interop with other languages possible
- implemented a prototype for planning mode
- solutions for the most difficult technical problems clearer
- planning mode as the central gameplay mode and defining element of Citybound
- persistence through the ups and downs of life
- listened to gut feeling & community
- too little focus on gameplay, only background work
- bad code architecture decisions
- too little communication with community
- no clear plans & timeframe
- clear goals are needed
- overarching goals need to be reduced into realistic steps
Preparation Phase
timeframe: 2 weeks - 1 month
- finish extracting geometry code (already done)
- finish implementing memory-management
Alpha 1
"Make it run and interactable"
timeframe: 3 months
planning mode for roads & zones
random economy & population growth
building lot generation
basic placeholder buildings ("blocks")
simple daily routines
abstract car trips
- no actual traffic sim
- choose closest shop/work
abstract neighbouring city
Private release to:
- selected people from the community
- slowly more and more people will get access
- keep amount of initial feedback manageable
- make sure no one's expectations are disappointed early on
Alpha 2
"Slowly add complexity"
timeframe: ???
- microscopic car traffic simulation & pathfinding
- detailed (per-trip) and localized tracking of economic interactions
Can also be stretch-goals for Prototype 1
Alpha 3
"Make it a game"
- feedback economic interactions -> growth
- fun
- basic procedural buildings & vegetation
- citizen thoughts
- pedestrian traffic
"Make it Citybound"
- multi-modal traffic & pathfinding
- chunking/multithreading
- huge scale cities
- custom renderer
- 3D terrain
- water simulation
- etc.
If you didn't hear yet: Livestreams are no longer on Twitch, but on Beam. The stream delay there is much lower and it is in general much better! Please resubscribe!
For christmas, as part of a gamejam, I created a small experimental interactiony-thing with water simulation and procedural trees, check it out: